Quite a few folks know that Denine and I spent a lot of Wednesday nights at the Grand Central Taproom in Fleetwood before we moved south. We listened to problems, prayed with people, sometimes drove them home, and witnessed changed lives. We came to love so many of these people. And they came to love us.
Our friend Joe (center of photo) has been struggling with alcohol and cancer for a long time. We have seen Joe on his good days and his bad days. Some days Joe wanted to talk about following Christ and other days he just had rage about this life. He moved to Tennessee with his wife Donna (left) about the time we moved to South Carolina.
We got word over Christmas that Joe was going to have one last cancer surgery. Joe says this is enough. He has been interested in talking to more people about faith issues. God has placed a number of folks in his path that could do that...and pray. I got Joe on his cell phone the night before surgery and spoke about these things. And he allowed me to pray with him. That is what I am asking you to do. Pray for Joe. Pray that he will feel Christ near..and meet him in a very real way.
Thank you.