Our Baby Girl, Bethany, is spending the summer as an intern working with HIV/AIDS patients in Kenya. Denine and I are helping out and Beth is exercising her faith in raising funds. She met her first benchmark last week and she has been blessed to see so many people interested in her journey. Right now she is $2500 from her need and there is still time for you to be involved. In a day when we wonder about problems with our young adults Beth is putting feet to her faith. I've pasted her story and contribution information from her Facebook. Thanks for taking time to think and pray.
"Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?"
I said, "Here I am. Send me."
And he said, "Yes..."
Isaiah 6: 8-9a
As many of you know, I will be traveling with Christian Missionary Fellowship with a team of thirty students from around the country to Nairobi, Kenya this summer. We will be caring for HIV/AIDS patients, distributing medicines, foods, and vitamins, testing and counseling patients, as well as numerous other services.
In order for me to participate in this movement to help Kenya, I am seeking your partnership. The total budget for my trip will be $6,000, which will cover the expenses of airfare, immunizations, lodging, meals, and the other various expenses required for living in Kenya. I have been asked to raise half of my support by April 18th. The remainder of the support is to be raised by May 23rd.
More importantly, I need your prayer support for my team and myself before, during, and after the trip.
Thank you for your support!
Any financial donations can be sent to my school mailbox at:
2605 Ben Hill Road
Box 515
East Point, GA 30344
Beth's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=506650416
Beth's Blog: http://bethanymarieziegler.blogspot.com/