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Posted at 08:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
So one of my buddies just got a new used road bike and is completely pumped. Another friend is talking about buying a bike. That's good stuff. It's "going green", it's great exercise, and it's a wonderful sport. Guys and gals considering cycling often ask us roadies (slang for road bike rider) about riding and how to get started. Here are several thoughts that will be helpful.
Reasons to Ride
1. Age does not matter. Statistics indicate that lots of folks in the 30s and 40s fall in love with bike riding. Any age is OK to get restarted on a bike and it can be a life long sport.
2. It's great cardiovascular exercise and it's great on your joints. You can stop beating yourself up and get healthy.
3. Cycling helps with weight control and weight loss. Most of us need that. Who does not mind saying "Man, I could use some carbs"?
How to get started
1. Pick a bike. Almost any bike will do. New riders get hung up on choosing the perfect bike if they do not already have one. If it turns out you get addicted to the sport you will automatically start upgrading your current bike or want to totally choose a different ride anyway, so the first bike is not a big deal. Sorry...but I am right on this.
2. Get a helmet. Pick one that is comfortable and remember more expensive is not necessarily better. Wear your hat every time you ride.
3. Put some air in the tires and start riding. You will figure out all the other accessories like water bottles, gloves, shoes, reflective gear, and stuff along the way as you get better. You will get better. You will be amazed at how much better you are after a month or so if you just start doing what you can do and keep at it when you can.
Stuff for later...down the road so to speak...
1. Later you will want to ride clipless pedals. The performance difference is dramatic in how you can transfer power to the bike. And you get a great story or two about how your fell over when you stopped the first time you rode this way!
2. You will learn spandex is your friend. Ignore your wife and hecklers. It will be an "Ahh Haa" moment. Believe me. Don't worry if the colors clash. Wear it proud and loud if you like.
3. Once you convert to spandex, you will want to grab yourself some Chamois cream. I don't buy brands with Butt in the name, but I use some made by Assos. They are a high end clothing manufacturer, the name makes me laugh and it smells like what I imagine a European bike shop smelled like in 1960.
There you have it. Go ride. Enjoy.
Posted at 09:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Today was a beautiful spring day. At lunch time I decided to take the single speed bike that I keep in my office out for a spin and grab lunch while out. I chose one of my favorite spots, Carolina Barbeque Shack, because I could sit outside and hey, it's Thursday (one of the 3 days they are open).
After I got my food I ambled over to a picnic table to eat. A fellow in shirt and tie was sitting on the other side of the table. After a few moments he stuck out his hand and gave me the the tract shown here as he said "Here's an invitation for you". I thanked him as I slid it in my shirt pocket. Later on closer inspection I see the inside is a sales pitch for a church, not a message about hope, love, grace or anything at all about Jesus.
He then asked me if I know Jesus as my personal savior (anytime I hear those words a flag goes up). I said "Yes, I am a Christ follower" and I prayed (really) for the conversation to end.
He asked if I go to church. I said "Yep". He wanted to know where. I told him. I tried to be pleasant and not short or rude.
He wanted to know what my church believes. I had a hunch where this was going, but I still answered with basic information. Then he told me that he hated to pull me away from another church, but I really ought to check out his church because most folks have it all wrong and will burn for eternity. I said "I'm a red letter Christian and I believe as long as I work at following the words and instructions of Christ I know I am heading in the right direction".
He frowned. I got up and left. I did not believe he would be receptive to anything that I really wanted to say.
How can the church be so wrong? How can we teach people that this how to reach out? How can we believe bullhorns, signboards, and beating people with hammers work? Is this the way of Christ? I was completely embarrassed for this guy. If you have had this type experience I apologize for those of us who follow Christ and do not agree that this is his way.
The Christ that I love and follow taught a message of love, hope, compassion, and grace. In fact, his angry words were directed at the hypocrisy in the church and its leaders, not towards everyone else. Lord, help us to love and serve those around us until they can see you in us.
Posted at 06:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
My friend Jim Fowler from County Bank talked me into playing in the Lakelands FCA golf tournament this week at Greenwood Country Club. My team had a great time, played well, and I hit the ball real good considering the long layoff I've had from playing regularly. My shot of the day was snaking a long birdie putt into the heart of the cup on the 3rd. hole. I considered heading home right then, but hung around for a great day meeting real good people helping send young men and women to camp.
Posted at 08:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Our Baby Girl, Bethany, is spending the summer as an intern working with HIV/AIDS patients in Kenya. Denine and I are helping out and Beth is exercising her faith in raising funds. She met her first benchmark last week and she has been blessed to see so many people interested in her journey. Right now she is $2500 from her need and there is still time for you to be involved. In a day when we wonder about problems with our young adults Beth is putting feet to her faith. I've pasted her story and contribution information from her Facebook. Thanks for taking time to think and pray.
"Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?"
I said, "Here I am. Send me."
And he said, "Yes..."
Isaiah 6: 8-9a
As many of you know, I will be traveling with Christian Missionary Fellowship with a team of thirty students from around the country to Nairobi, Kenya this summer. We will be caring for HIV/AIDS patients, distributing medicines, foods, and vitamins, testing and counseling patients, as well as numerous other services.
In order for me to participate in this movement to help Kenya, I am seeking your partnership. The total budget for my trip will be $6,000, which will cover the expenses of airfare, immunizations, lodging, meals, and the other various expenses required for living in Kenya. I have been asked to raise half of my support by April 18th. The remainder of the support is to be raised by May 23rd.
More importantly, I need your prayer support for my team and myself before, during, and after the trip.
Thank you for your support!
Any financial donations can be sent to my school mailbox at:
2605 Ben Hill Road
Box 515
East Point, GA 30344
Beth's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=506650416
Beth's Blog: http://bethanymarieziegler.blogspot.com/
Posted at 01:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Congratulations to cycling buddy and great friend Easy Go Dave for starting the new job at Willow Valley. And if things could not get any better, Easy Go sent an e-mail early this morning with a photo showing off the truck they surprised him with the first day on the job! Evidently the facilities manager gets nothing but the best.
Uhhh, Dave....is that a case of winter-not-riding-your-bike belly going on there? Did you start shaving your face and your legs? We are a little worried.
Posted at 07:35 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Here at Swell Guy Central we have put our best minds on it and we have come up with the most entertaining and informative way to proceed with The Presidential Debates. It is time for YOU to get involved with the process. Start by clicking here. Go ahead. Do it. You know it is the right thing to do!
Posted at 01:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
They are cute. They are cuddly. You know they are lovable. Go head. Grab that beet you love and give it a great big hug!
If you are beatless, you can arrange a special beet visit here.
Note: OK, you've got me. As opposed to other weird holidays that I have featured, I made this one up. If you were here for Apples to Apples on Saturday night you would understand. If you were not here, I hope you still enjoy the riff.
Posted at 01:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)