I noticed this sign one town over. Lizzard Man is not Barack and it's not Ron Paul. Move over Sasquatch! This is Lizzard Man.
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I noticed this sign one town over. Lizzard Man is not Barack and it's not Ron Paul. Move over Sasquatch! This is Lizzard Man.
Posted at 01:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
they've got Pepsi, ice, and Worlds Famous Pickled Pig Lips! Oh, you can not wait until you pass through Clinton, SC to get you some pig lips? Order them right here!
Posted at 08:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Folks who do not ride a bike often ask why I enjoy it so much. I typically respond that the scenery is great at biking speed, it is low impact on joints, it improves your heart & general health, and there is something great about the speed when you move yourself down the road. They often respond that they too would enjoy riding a bike if it did not hurt their behind. Comments such as "the pain goes away after your start really riding" or "perhaps you need a different seat" don't seem to help matters.
For those of you who want to ride, but fear TOTB (trauma of the behind) I have discovered a web site that could be your salvation. No longer do you need to limit your considerations to the Spongy Wonder Seat, you not have a whole range of options. I could not help but note a few key words and points on the site such as:
Do don't wait. Visit the Derri-Air Site today and make your pick. If you can't decide, remember unique is always a great conversation starter. Go with the moon seat or horseshoe seat. I can't wait to see you out there on the road. Enjoy.
Posted at 06:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Bethany, our Baby Girl, put up her own 100 Things the other day. It is good. You should read it.
Posted at 06:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
This evening took a bike ride after dinner. It was a cool, clear evening and I felt strong. As I spun through the fading golden light my mind drifted towards some of the things I have been thinking over lately. This is a good thinking place for me. I can work over office stuff and life stuff with few distractions. It is good.
I've been thinking about the recent news about food riots due to the fact that rising global food costs are making it even more difficult for the poor to eat. And I've been thinking about the reports that the surge in biofuel production is actually increasing global warming (and taking more food from the poor). It is easy to wring our hands and say we have little control over what is going on in the world. It is also easy to expect our governments to fix these problems. But I don't think that is the case. That is not why we are here.
Our little church body is meeting in small groups and we are working on the series 40 Days of Community. David's sermons at the Sunday celebration have been right on target. We are being pushed to grow. I love what I am hearing about what is happening in our small groups. People are getting it more and more that Christ-followers are the hands and feet of Christ. The church is leaving the building and getting involved in the community. As we get involved with the community we care for each other, our community, and the needs of others even more.
Somehow, I believe all of this fits together. I can not change the world today, but I can take steps locally to make things better for others and for our environment. Some call it "think globally, act locally". I call it love. Things I am doing, can try to do...hope to do include:
I could type a lot more thoughts and ideas, but is that needed? It's is easy to do the right things once we start thinking about it. That was the beauty of Christ's example. He did not make it too complex. Easy. Simple. Done with great love. Changing the world one step at a time.
That was plenty for one bike ride.
Posted at 09:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Here's one more photo from the weekend Laminex Family food, fun, and fellowship event. The kids really did enjoy the red mud, fishing, gator rides, tractor rides, skimming stones, chucking balls, and other good stuff. For me, it's a good day when I end up with dirt and bar-b-que sauce on my shirt.
Posted at 08:03 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
We had three grills going including this big boy this past weekend when 60+ gathered for a company sponsored weekend at Earl's Wagon Road Farm. Burgers and dogs for lunch...chicken, ribs, and pork butt for dinner...followed by a big Sunday brunch. Nobody went hungry. Folks went fishing in the pond, drove the Gators, and men slaved (OK...hovered) over hot grills. Good times.
Posted at 08:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
It took about a week, but I caved in and took this sign photo. But I refuse to resort to cheap comments like....
All joking aside, I'm sure this is a great company and I enjoyed the chuckle. Greenwood sure has quite a few interesting signs.
Posted at 05:55 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Early this morning I woke up after dreaming about Gabe Kaplan. I could here the "Welcome Back Kotter" theme song in my head and everything. Weird.
Could it be I needed to learn one of the life lessons Kotter taught the class every week? Could it be I needed to learn one of the even bigger lessons Kotter's wife taught him every week? Even more likely it was due to this post on Paul's Funky Stuff reminding me again of the classic white man's afro!
Posted at 07:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)