Democrat or Republican SINNERS OR SAINTS Left or Right Evangelism or Social Justice Conservative or Liberal Local or Global Catholic or Protestant Traditional or Contemporary Pre-Trib or Post-Trib Fox vs. “The Liberal Media” Israel or Palestine or Jew or Arab
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Oprah said… Bush was a ____ Glenn Beck said… Obama is a ___ Sean Hannity said… On Randi Rhodes… Rush is right. What do you think this election meant? any of these things sound familiar? at work? in your social circles? in your house? at church? Do we choose our friends or who we hang with by how much they agree with us? Are we starting conversations to tout our viewpoint or check if the other person matches up to that viewpoint?
I been thinking about how Jesus came from an oppressed people living in an occupied land. Not only did he conduct his ministry under Roman rule, he never lived anywhere that was not oppressed or occupied. And yet he had little to say or comment on when it came to politics and government other than that we should pay our taxes...that whole render unto Caesar bit.
Over and over again when approached with these nifty little conversation starters Jesus was more than likely to respond with a third way to look at situations or he asked a return question that forced the instigator to really think about their words. Indeed, one of the captivating things about Christ to non-followers is how he did not cave in to the party line, but instead conducted a ministry filled with thought & grace.
If I am to resolve anything for this new year coming it is to move away from divisive positions and instead look for better comments or solutions. I pray that my words are not harsh, but able to provoke thought instead of support stale positions that are whirled about the masses with often little consideration to the implications. Yes, I resolved to try harder to live in the third way. How about coming along?