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Posted at 02:59 PM in Good Life, Humor | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bodega, chicken lollipop, Mexican candy, Mexican grocery store
We had some recent family controversy over a 1971 photo I posted on facebook. In the photo our family is with friends at the beach in mid-summer. My sister's hair appears bleach blond, but she swears she was not wearing the fine polyester blond wig that she had for a year or two back in the day. In this photo a few years later I would say she is very much in her natural hair. That's her standing behind Mom.
If fact, I would say we all were sporting our now vintage 1977 looks. I'm the fella on the left with plaid slacks, just like Dad, but I could not quite pull of the awesome moustache yet. Do check out my fine red sneakers and slick hair cut. Brother Brian always could rock the striped shirts and that sock/shoe combo is a classic. I would have looked like a dork, but he has got it going on.
Just about every element in this photo makes me smile. Have you ever seen a family pose nicer with a silver bowl? Yeah, we were smooth.
Posted at 02:00 PM in Good Life | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 1977, Ziegler Family Photo
I don't rant very often or at least I do not think I do. You may need to check with Denine on this, but I'd like to believe I stick with positive thoughts and encouraging words. But then I see something like I read this morning and I have got to shout - "Are we serious?!".
What's up? I was browsing the morning news and caught a headline about the latest Mars Rover, Curiosity, using a laser to blast a fist sized rock that now has a name, Coronation (you can read about it here). Evidently the data gathered will tell us a lot about Mars. I am no scientist, but let's say an alien spaceship comes to Earth and lands - oh, let's say in Siberia - and randomly picks & blasts a rock with a laser. That will tell them all about Earth and us. Right? Come on, now!
When I was a kid I loved the space program. Loved it. I saw those first steps on the moon and like many little boys dreamed of being an astronaut. I even cut a face hole in a Kentucky Fried Chicken Bucket and covered it with aluminum foil to make my very own space helmet. My folks took us to an open house at NASA and yes, I saw Real Space Rocks. It was awesome.
What I did not dream about was the 2.5 billion dollar cost to put a Rover on Mars. And I did not dream we would have so many national problems, or continually choose to be at war, or still be living in an age of third world poverty. No, I did not dream about these things.
2.5 Billion Dollars to laser a rock. That is about 10% of what some experts say is needed to solve world hunger. No, I am not against having a space program or against folks that earn a living working for it, but I am very much for feeding the hungry and thirsty.
In Luke 19 Jesus briefly mentions the rocks will cry out if we are silent. This morning I am sure we heard from a rock named Coronation .
Posted at 10:34 AM in Christ-follower, Community | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Coronation, Curiosity, Luke 19, Mars Rover, NASA, rocks cry out, space program
Posted at 10:32 PM in Good Life, Travel | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: cycling, Greenway, Murfreesboro, Ride Bike
As the Summer Olympics begin to wind down I find myself kind of wishing there was a Backyard Tri-Sport Competition. I'm thinking something like Bocce - Cornhole -& Air Hop would be entertaining. That, my friends, would require the use of Sophistication - Redneck - & Wacky (in that order) along with athletic prowess combined with luck. I'd suggest Lawn Jarts, but there was that one incident with the Italians back in the 80s.
I don't think sponsorship will be an issue. Miller, Budweiser, and Solo Cup will vie to sign on.
Posted at 05:30 PM in Good Life, Humor | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Air Hop, Alternate Olympic Sports, Bocce, Cornhole, Olympics
Posted at 03:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)