We went to the Indy Art Museum with Beth & Raf the other day. It is a good one. In the lobby area they have been building a Wish Tree where folks can write a wish on a leaf and help build the tree. We spent a while looking at some very cool wishes. They ranged from spiritual to sad to funny and on.
My buddy Dyke texted me this photo the other day. What a good memory. In one week a group of guys made lumber from fresh cut trees and framed up a stilt house on a clay mound in the Costa Rican rainforest. The best part? Spending a week with the guys. Nothing beats community or doing life together.
Check out Mercy Now by Mike Ferris. It starts a little slow, but stick with it. The payoff is sweet.
See that dude setting on the left? That is John Fullbright. This 24 year old is going to be around for along time as a singer/songwriter. You might want to preview his album called "from the ground up" on iTunes. This guy can holler.
And the song. Wow. It seems lately I have run into lots of friends praying mercy for members of their family & close friends. While we can use mercy all year long, it seems especially appropriate right now. Isn't that Christmas?